How to Lose 20 pounds Fast

how to lose 20 pounds fast

These days everyone wants to look good, no matter if it is a man or a woman. We keep comparing ourselves to other people and try to keep up with models of covers of glossy magazines. Nowadays, fit and slim body is all the rage and most of us seeks for the ideal body which, unfortunately, has become a major determinant of one’s self-esteem.

There is a whole buch of people wondering how to lose weight in order to feel beautiful. That is why they search the web for such phrases as ‘how to lose weight before summer’ or ‘how to lose 20 pounds fast’, etc.

How to lose weight?

First of all, which is the most important, you have to know the difference between looking good and feeling good about yourself as beauty is a relative term and it means something completely different to different people. So when you have some problems with accepting and loving yourself unconditionally, the best thing you can do is seek some professional help.

Then, when you have a full understanding of what is hiding deep in your mind, and still want to change something about your appearance, we have some useful tips in order to start enjoying your body more.

If you have absolutely no idea where to start your journey with the active and healthy lifestyle, take it easy. Take a deep breath and start slowly, don’t let it overwhelm yourself in the beginning. It is much better to start small and take some small steps. That way you will stay consistent through the whole journey, which, you will find, will never end and you will love it.

For example, when we are talking about baby steps, it is great to incorporate some new healthy habits to your life, eg. drinking more water daily or exercising every day. But remember – take it slowly. First make one habit stay with you forever and then start with another one. What is more, while making new resolutions, keep in mind that less is more. It is better to practice yoga for 10 minutes a day, yet do it regularly, rather than promising yourself to have an hour practice and lose motivation after the first days.

Before starting, it is a good idea to make a list of your goals for the next month (again – keep it rational and simple). You can divide the plan into several categories – for example sport, diet and relax.

That way it is easier to control every aspect that you want to focus on.

Also, while planning, the best manner to persevere in achieving your objectives is to make the plan exciting. Add something thrilling to it and you won’t have to force yourself to make it.

Moving on to the substance of this issue, what are the main factors that will help you lose some extra pounds?

Starting with food – it is crucial to maintain healthy body. No wonder there is this old saying: ‘you are what you eat’. If your current diet is based on fast food and snacks loaded with sugar, then you will have a little more work to do, but there is nothing impossible. Again, start with the baby steps. Make sure that the most part of every meal consists of vebetables. Eat high-fibre foods, such as brown rice, wholegrain products and beans and complete it with good fats that we can find in avocado or fish.

If you have some difficulties with making your meal plan you can go to a nutritionist to make it for you. Moreover, you can combine it, for example, with a specially composed catering. It is a perfect option for the busy ones or for somebody who can’t bare staying in the kitchen and preparing meals.

Now, moving on to the next area – sport. You cannot have a healthy and athletic body without any activities. It should be an integral part of your (at least) weekly routine.

Yet, it doesn’t have to be a chore for you. All you have to do is find the type of activity which you will be enjoying. When you combine it with a hobby, it will be the best-case scenario. And there are plenty of activities to choose from. You can start jogging, swimming, playing some team sport or even rollerskating. Every activity would be great so find out which one will be a pleasure for you.

And finally, don’t forget to rest, as relax is also highly important in order to have a slim and healthy body.



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